Weekly Schedule
Sundays at 11am
Worship Music, Prayer, Communion, and a Jesus Message.
Includes Sunday School and Nursery for children during message. All are welcome!
Mondays at 7pm
Prayer Meeting with music and a devotional
Tuesdays at 7pm
Young Women's (Sanctuary) Group 15-29
Wednesdays at 7pm
Loving the Word Bible Study - A time to delve into a book in the Bible, learn to read in context, find Jesus in the scriptures and grow in love for God's Word while being sensitive to the Holy Spirit! - All are welcome!
Thurdays at 7pm
Young Men's (Band of Brothers) Group 15-29
Fridays at 6:30pm
Women's Tea Talk - 6:30pm (1st week of the month)
Men's (My Brother's Keeper) Group - 6:30pm (last week of the month)
Ministering to the Tri-State Region
We are a community who ministers to and gathers people from NY, NJ, and PA. Our current meeting p[ace is
10 Minutes to Milford PA, Port Jervis NY and Sandyston NJ.
15 Minutes from Matamoras PA, Sparrow Bush NY
20-25 Minutes from Sussex NJ, Branchville NJ, Dingmans Ferry PA, and Slate Hill NY
30 Minutes from Newton NJ, Lords Valley PA, and Middletown NY
Upcoming Events
Our Identity: Salt & Light Community Church is a people of faith rooted in the love of God in Jesus Christ. We are children of God and a part of the larger church in which all believers in Jesus Christ share.
Our Name: Jesus named His All His people Salt and Light because we are called to carry His presence wherever we go and shine His light in the things He calls us to do. We are called to be in and amongst our community as a city on a hill front and center, not hidden. As the Lord sends us out, we invite others to receive forgiveness and reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ.
Our Calling: As a people, we are called to worship Jesus together giving Him thanks and glory for everything He does. As a ministry, we are called to equip believers so that they may minister through their particular gifting and calling. This means we give people opportunities to grow and operate in their ministry. Our intention is not to fit people into a cookie cutter mold of what we think we need but to discern through the Spirit how God wants to operate through them.
Our Culture: We are a church without walls made up of people who believe that only together can we express the Unity, Love, and Worship that God desires. We are Spirit led and passionate about our relationship with Jesus. Our intention is to do all things in love and to encourage a culture of kindness and patience so that people come to know our gatherings are a safe space from which to grow and go.
Want to support our efforts to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and cultivate renewal in our region?
This is where we come together to worship Jesus and express our love and thanks to God!
What to expect:
Meeting God and experiencing His presence
Friendly, family oriented, and informal environment
Contemporary Music and Spirit led worship
God's Word from the Bible shared in an understandable and relevant way
Praying Together, Sharing Testimonies of what God is doing, and Taking Communion to remember what Jesus has done for us.
Children's activities and Nursery are available and within sight of the sanctuary.
Uplifting activities with food and fun to bless our community
Make friends in a home-like atmosphere where you can get to know people and encourage one another in your relationship with Jesus
Opportunities to pray and worship with people throughout the week.
Partnering with other local charities, the mercy team helps local families in need of financial help, counseling, life coaching, and spiritual healing. Feel free to Contact Us for more details
Opportunities to meet with other Christians to share the gospel with others. For more information about our work with other local churches see the page Tri-State Christian Missions
You can set up an appointment with one of our Ministry Leaders.
There are ministry leaders in your area who have made themselves available to meet with you and answer any questions you may have about Jesus, the Christian faith, or anything pertaining to God. You don't need to have any particular belief system or background to participate. In fact, we invite people who have doubts and questions to express themselves honestly with the expectation of a friendly discussion and a two-way dialogue. Meetings can be arranged at a place most convenient for you such as a coffee shop, park, library, or your home. Personalized Bible studies can also be arranged for you, your friends, and your family as desired to dig into a particular subject of interest.