"If Jesus is not the center of all we are and all we do, then we have missed the mark" - Joe Faillace, Pastor/Founder
If you do not know who Jesus is and what He has come to do for you, watch this video!
Below is a link to learn more about Jesus and answer some of your questions about God.

Salt & Light Community Church is a Christian community that started with a couple families and people passionate to see Jesus exalted in the Tri-State area. Pastor Joe Faillace graduated with his Masters Degree in Practical Theology from Regent University. After graduating and getting connected to Harvest Network International, Joe and his wife AnnMarie were prayed for and proceeded to wait for God's perfect timing. Over the summer of 2021, God told then it was time to move ahead referencing the scripture 1 Timothy 4:14. With the support of their children they began to tell others about starting to meet in a local community center. Since then, God has sent wonderful people to help share Jesus and impact our region.
We are now meeting at a church building in Montague for our weekly times together but are a church without walls spending time to reach people in a variety of places and ways. We endeavor to be obedient to the word that God gave some years ago. "Keep it simple and keep it about Jesus."

Lift up Jesus to make
vibrant Spirit-filled disciples and
loving worshippers of God in ever increasing
new communities of faith

Shine Jesus across the
Tri-State Counties
so that people can see, hear, and experience
the loving presence of God and
grow as Spirit-filled disciples and
loving worshippers of Him

Salt and Light Community Church has a simple prayer at its center.
"Lord God, we see a generation who is lost and we want to be a part of your plans to recover these people by the name and in the power of Jesus Christ."
This means making ourselves available to reach out to others as the Lord leads and guides us. In fact, we need to allow God to change us from the inside out through the Holy Spirit so we can be, look, and act distinct and people will smell the aroma of Jesus Christ! We are to apprehend the love of God in Christ Jesus and allow Him to encourage us in who we are and all that we have in Him.

Salt and Light wishes to share the gospel of Jesus Christ faithfully as expressed through the Word of God encouraging people to receive the grace, forgiveness, and mercy of God by faith

Equip followers of Jesus with biblical instruction and Empower them with service opportunities until we until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:11)

Live how Jesus has instructed us to so that people may see Jesus through our love and lifestyle

We endeavor to live our lives prayer focused and Spirit-led, growing in our relationship with God and allowing Jesus to lead while we follow. This means covering our ministry in prayer, worshipping Jesus for who He is, living in obedience to God and His Word, and relying on the Holy Spirit for direction, empowerment, and righteous living.

Salt and Light encourages environments where simple church can happen. Simple church happens when we go beyond the four walls of the church building together, building relationships with those we meet and bringing the presence of Jesus wherever we go.

Salt & Light Community Church is looking to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ and leaders who can enter into their God- given sphere of influence to expand the Kingdom of God.

Build healthy and functional relationships with Christians, Churches, and ministries in our region, nation, and the world!
Expanding the Kingdom of God
Salt & Light Community Church, is raising up ministry leaders who can plant other churches and ministries. We endeavor to continue to connect with these new churches and ministries through relational networks built on Jesus Christ and His love.

View of God
· God is one, and to believe in the one true God means to forsake all others
· God the Father is the creator of the heavens and earth and rules and reigns over all creation
· Jesus, fully man and fully God, came to save us from our sins and has risen to the right hand of God the Father to come again to redeem the people of God and reign in the age to come.
· The Holy Spirit is also God and indwells believers in Jesus, guiding, transforming us, and empowering us
The hereafter
· Believers will be resurrected in a new physical body and reign with Jesus in a new heaven and earth
· There is a literal heaven where God rules and reigns in the presence of the angelic host and hell where the demons will be cast along with those who refuse God’s offer of grace
and mercy through Jesus Christ.
The Church
· The church is not a building or a place, but a people called by God. The people of God called out for salvation and to represent Jesus on the earth until He returns. The local church is therefore a community called to meet, pray, worship, serve and grow together as a sign that the Kingdom of God is here and with intentions to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to others.
· Believers in Jesus are called to pursue a lifestyle that glorifies God in its separateness from the world around them by living in holiness and purity (Eph 5:1). There is grace
and forgiveness offered to believers as they step through this journey.
· The church is called to make disciples of Jesus Christ and share their faith with others as they grow in their relationship with God being led by the Spirit (Matt 28:19).
· The church is a people without prejudice in regard to race, class, or gender (Gal 3:28). All will be treated with equality in the Kingdom of God
Social Issues
● We are to look for ways to help the poor and work for justice of the oppressed (James
● We hold to a historic Christian worldview of marriage being between one man and woman with a view of sexual purity being exhorted among those who profess themselves believers in Christ (Gen 1:27).
● We hold all life to be precious including unborn children (Jeremiah 1:5).
1. Share the gospel of Jesus Christ faithfully as expressed through the Word of God encouraging people to receive the grace, forgiveness, and mercy of God by faith
2. Live how Jesus has instructed us to so that people may see Jesus through our love and lifestyle
3. Reach out to our community by being a church without walls bringing outreach and discipleship in a variety of places
4. Cultivate God’s presence by covering our ministry in prayer, living in obedience to God, and relying on the Holy Spirit for direction, empowerment through spiritual gifts, and righteous living.
5. Equip Jesus followers with biblical instruction and Empower them by giving service opportunities until we until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:11)
6. Produce disciples of Jesus Christ to make other disciples of Jesus Christ
7. Work in unity with the larger Body of Christ both locally, nationally, and globally
8. Plant new churches, ministries, and networks. Raise up church and ministry leaders who will expand the Kingdom of God by planting new churches and ministries while staying connected to the larger Body of Christ and network of churches.